Press Release 2016 Trade Show

Penang Gold Signature Fair – A Project by MIJF
The First International Gold-Focus Trade Show within Southeast Asia

PULAU PINANG: Penang Gold Signature Fair (PSG) 2016 as a project by Malaysia International Jewellery Fair (MIJF), proudly initiated by Elite Expo will be held on a stage where business and leisure meet; Penang Straits Quay Convention Centre on August 10-12 from 11am to 6pm.

The organizer Elite Expo is delighted to announce Penang Gold Signature Fair (PSG) will be launched as the first ever International Gold-Focus Trade Show within Southeast Asia, and the collaboration with P.W. Gold & Silver Ornament Merchants Association as PSG’s co-organizer. This project is strategically located in Penang which is known as the ideal shopping destination for gold jewelleries as the industry previously started off of skilful gold craftsmanship for over a century long. With a startup of a gold exhibition in Penang, PSG 2016 serves the aim of promoting Malaysia’s gold craftsmanship as well as magnifying the nation’s potential in the gold market to a global stage.

Malaysia aspires to become one of the world’s major gold jewellery suppliers as Malaysia’s labor charges for per gram of gold are lower than other countries especially China. Thus, PSG is ambitious to become the most renowned Gold-Focus Trade Show in Malaysia and across the region to promote Malaysia Gold craftsmanship, allowing both exhibitors and delegates to establish solid networking connections and business deals while keeping abreast with the most up-to-date gold industry insights.

The President of P.W. Gold & Silver Ornament Merchants Association, Mr. Chiah Hock Yew, has a nostalgic perception of the event. Malaysia is known to be a steady gold manufacturing and crafting country across the world, with its extended history of trading, and gold is no exception of such trades. “For more than 100 years, the gold and jewellery industry is ever-growing in Malaysia. Yet, growth comes in many forms, including deficit. This endeavour is hopeful in restoring the gold market in Malaysia to its former glory,” he said.

The event is inaugurated by flaunting the best gold jewellery products, in the PSG Trade Fashion Show. This grandiose inauguration of PSG will be taking place on the 10th August at 11.30 AM. This Trade Fashion Show is the first ever fashion show highlighting gold jewellery which will be tailored to the needs of trade buyers, who will have the liberty of being the audience members. Advertising the most commendable pieces of gold jewellery, traders will be able to experience the live showcase of jewellery and be fully immersed in the beauty of gold jewellery.

In addition, we are gathering gold jewellery factories and manufacturers to participate in PSG, with each individual manufacturer showcasing their best quality products for trade buyers, wholesalers, and even retailers. An invitation expanding across the world, the gold jewellery factories are sure to bring their best products to enhance popularity as well as generating sales in hopes of increasing clients. A one-in-a-million opportunity for trade buyers to invest in international-grade gold jewellery, and with gold jewellery designs to cater to most forms of interest, we are confident that trade buyers will not be disappointed with the gold jewellery factories gathered.

We have also invited the Malaysian Islamic Economic Development Foundation, or YaPEIM for short, to conduct a forum titled The Shariah Principle In Gold Business. The Ar Rahnu National Forum (ForNASIONAL) aims to inform audiences of Islamic alternatives of conducting business, and at PSG, we are delighted to have ForNASIONAL to conduct a forum which discusses the gold business in a Muslim-friendly environment, as well as to answer questions that may arise about getting involved in the gold business, whilst being in accordance of the Shariah laws.

Gold buyers are now able to have a specific yet wider range of gold sourcing based on different karats or millesimal fineness of gold such as 22K, 21K, 18K and etc. Different categories of jewellery like bracelets, bangles, brooches, necklaces, rings, earrings, gold coins and gold bars, tools and machinery, and those which are related to gold accessories will be presented as well. From elegant, classic designs, to unique and one-of-a-kind models of gold jewellery collections, PSG provides huge varieties of exquisite and delicate Malaysian made jewellery collections at one point, and thus propels the local jewellery industry to the international level eventually!

For more information, feel free to contact:
PR & Communications Department,
Ms. Elaine Wong
Elite Expo Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: +6016-560 8074
Email: [email protected]

Penang Gold Signature Fair – A Project by MIJF
Pameran Perdagangan Gold-Focus Antarabangsa Pertama Dalam Asia Tenggara

PULAU PINANG: Penang Gold Signature Fair (PSG) 2016, merupakan projek dilaksanakan oleh pihak penganjur Malaysia International Jewellery Fair (MIJF), Elite Expo Sdn Bhd akan dijalankan di Pusat Konvensyen Straits Quay, Pulau Pinang, dari 10 hingga 12 Ogos, jam 11 pagi hingga 6 petang.

Elite Expo Sdn Bhd dengan suka citanya mengumumkan Penang Gold Signature Fair (PSG) akan dirasmikan sebagai pameran perdagangan Gold-Focus antarabangsa pertama dalam Asia Tenggara dengan kerjasama P.W. Gold & Silver Ornament Merchants Association sebagai penganjur bersama. Projek ini dianjurkan di Pulau Pinang yang dikenali sebagai destinasi strategi membeli belah barangan emas disebabkan tempat ini bermulanya dengan kemahiran bertukang emas selama lebih satu abad. Dengan permulaan sebagai pameran emas di Pulau Pinang, PSG 2016 bertujuan untuk menaikkan nama pakar pertukangan emas Malaysia di samping meluaskan potensi negara dalam bidang emas di persada antarabangsa.

Malaysia bermatlamat untuk menjadi antara pembekal emas utama di dunia atas dasar kadar bayaran buruh bagi setiap gram emas cukup rendah berbanding negara lain terutama sekali China. Dengan itu, PSG bercita-cita untuk menjadi pameran perdagangan Gold-Focus yang terunggul di Malaysia dan juga di Asia Tenggara dalam memajukan pertukangan emas Malaysia, membolehkan kedua-dua pengusaha dan wakil perniagaan menjalin hubungan rangkaian serta berurus niaga di sambil mengikuti pandangan terkini industri emas.

Presiden P.W. Gold & Silver Ornament Merchants Association, Encik Chiah Hock Yew, berpendapat yang nostalgia terhadap projek ini. Malaysia dikenali sebagai pengeluar dan petukang emas yang stabil di serata dunia, diiringi sejarah perdagangan yang tidak mengecualikan emas. “Lebih daripada 100 tahun, industri barangan emas sentiasa berkembang. Namun begitu, perkembangan industri emas dijejaskan oleh situasi ekonomi yang tidak tertentu. Oleh itu, usaha ini berharap akan membawa pasaran emas Malaysia kembali ke zaman kegemilangan,” kata Encik Chiah.

PSG dirasmikan dengan menggayakan barangan emas terkemuka, di PSG Trade Fashion Show. Perasmian PSG akan berlangsung pada 10 Ogos pada 11.30 pagi. Ini merupaka pertunjukan fesyen pertama dalam mempamerkan barangan kemas terkini daripada peserta-peserta PSG. Menggayakan barangan emas yang tersohor, para pedagang akan mendapat pengalaman siaran langsung pertunjukan fesyen barangan emas.

Tambahan pula, pengilang dan pengeluar emas akan dengan setiap pngeluar mempamerkan barangan emas paling berkualiti kepada pedagang dan juga pemborong emas. Satu jemputan yang meliputi serata dunia, pengilang barangan emas semestinya akan membawa barangan terbaik dan berkualiti. Peluang keemasan bagi para pedagang untuk melabur dalam barangan emas berkualiti antarabangsa, dan juga pelbagai jenis gaya barangan emas yang akan dipamerkan, pihak penganjur yakin bahawa para pedagang akan berpuas hati dengan barangan emas tersebut.

Selain dari itu, pihak penganjur juga bangga dengan penyertaan Yayasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Islam Malaysia (YaPEIM) dalam satu seminar bertajuk The Shariah Principle in Gold Business. Seminar Ar Rahnu Nasional (ForNASIONAL) bertujuan untuk membincangkan industri emas yang berlandaskan Islam, dan juga menjawab segala pertanyaan yang mungkin timbul dalam melibatkan diri dalam industri emas, sambil mematuhi undang-undang Shariah.

Pembeli emas kini boleh mendapatkan pelbagai jenis barangan emas berdasarkan karat berlainan seperti 22K, 21K, 18K, dan sebagainya dalam satu bumbung! Kategori barangan emas lain seperti gelang tangan, kerongsang, rantai leher, cincin, subang, syiling emas, dan bar emas, serta alatan dan mesin, dan apa sahaja yang berkaitan dengan barang perhiasan emas akan dipamerkan. Koleksi barangan emas dari reka bentuk elegan dan klasik, hingga ke model unik dan lain daripada yang lain. PSG sebagai platform untuk memperkenalkan barangan emas yang cantik dan halus dari Malaysia, dan juga menaikkan nama industri barangan kemas tempatan ke peringkat antarabangsa!

Untuk maklumat lanjut, hubungi:
Bahagian Perhubungan Awam & Komunikasi,
Ms. Elaine Wong
Elite Expo Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: +6016-560 8074
Emel: [email protected]
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马来西亚国际黄金展 (PSG) – A Project by MIJF

槟城:马来西亚国际黄金展(PSG)是 2016 年马来西亚国际珠宝展(MIJF)的一个项目,将由主 办单位辉煌展览有限公司首届推介于 2016 年 8 月 10 日至 8 月 12 日,上午 11 时至下午 6 时,在 槟城海峡港口会展中心(Straits Quay Convention Centre)盛大举行。

主办单位非常荣幸地获得威省金银饰品商业公会的大力支持,合力协办首届的黄金贸易商展以拓 展一个商业平台给业界的贸易商家。此外,该项目将设于在最多金商业者云集的黄金商圈 – 槟城, 原因于槟城聚集了许多经验丰富的打金手艺人才。随着金展在槟城的一个开端,相信此黄金展将 能够拓展本地市场到海外市场,同时把黄金行业发扬光大。

2016 PSG 槟城黄金展的创办宗旨是要让马来西亚成为最有公信力的黄金贸易商圈,同时也一并推 广本地黄金工艺业。相较于别国,马来西亚的实惠金价更获得买家们的青睐,因此本地金商占有 绝对优势。通过这场纯金展览会场,买家们不仅仅能够获寻各种先进的打金器材,另外商家们也 可互相商讨以及交换市场心得,以便携手发展马来西亚黄金市场。

威省金银饰品商业公会主席 – 谢伕佑先生称,“过去百年历史,大马黄金珠宝业因技术成熟而日益 增长。然而,黄金珠宝业随着经济的发展趋向,市场因而被影响。所以,对这届的黄金展的期望 是希望大马黄金市场得以恢复昔日的辉煌,脉向新一代光辉时代。”

首创 PSG,主办单位成功汇集各国的黄金珠宝厂商以及制造商参展。通过此展览,参展商们将会 展示其最优质产品或服务给业务买家,批发商,甚至零售商们,同时业者们也能藉此机会进行商 业交流。由此可见,PSG 扮演黄金贸易质询运输桥梁,以便业者们能从中获得业内最 新消息。此展会瞩目焦点 -(PSG)开幕仪式将于 8 月 10 日,上午 11 时 30 分在 PSG 展会盛行。 开幕仪式会以精彩绝伦的黄金珠宝秀衬托,点缀这正式的典礼,以启动首届马来西亚国际黄金展!

除此之外,我们也邀请了大马伊斯兰经济发展基金会(Malaysian Islamic Economic Development Foundation),简写 YaPEIM,举办一场以伊斯兰教商事法规的黄金业务论坛。这场 Ar Rahnu 的国 家论坛(ForNASIONAL)旨在于指导异族商家们如何进行伊斯兰业务。主办单位非常荣幸能以这 论坛来探讨伊斯兰黄金业务,并且解答伊斯兰教相关的商事法规。

通过纯金展示平台,各大参展将为买家们展列不同级别的黄金,例如:22K,21K,18K 及 916 金 等等。除此之外,精致首饰种类更分别为手链,手镯,胸针,项链,戒指,耳环,金币,金条, 任君精细挑选。由大马制作的的珠宝系列,从优雅,经典,独特以及一系列的黄金珠宝。最终, 将能够推动当地珠宝行业到达国际水平!

Ms Elaine Wong
(电话)+6016 – 560 8074
(电邮)[email protected]