Press Release 2018


PENANG, MALAYSIA: Gold industry is ever-growing in Malaysia as Malaysia is known to be a steady gold manufacturing and crafting country across the world, with its extended history of trading. In 2018, The Organizer – Elite Expo Sdn Bhd envisions bringing together the local and international gold manufacturers and buyers under a rooftop. Hence, Penang Signature Gold Fair (PSG) 2018, a project by Malaysia International Jewellery Fair (MIJF) is proudly initiated again by Elite Expo Sdn Bhd and will be held on stage where business and leisure meet at Straits Quay Convention Centre (SQCC), Penang, Malaysia 10th – 12th August 2018.

The Organizer Elite Expo is delighted to announce PSG as The Only GOLD Exhibition within Southeast Asia, and the collaboration with Province Wellesley Gold & Silver Ornament Merchants Association as PSG’s co-organizer. This project is strategically located in Penang which is known as the ideal shopping destination for gold jewelleries as the industry previously started off of skilful gold craftsmanship for over a century long. With a start up of a gold exhibition in Penang, PSG 2018 serves to aim of promoting Malaysia’s gold craftsmanship as well as magnifying the nation’s potential in the gold market to a global stage.

Introduction of Hosted Buyers Program
Malaysia aspires to become one of the world’s major gold jewellery suppliers as Malaysia’s labour charges for per gram of gold are lower than the other countries especially China. Thus, PSG is ambitious to become the most renowned GOLD-FOCUS Trade Show in Malaysia and across the region to promote Malaysia Gold Craftsmanship, allowing both exhibitors and delegates to establish solid networking connection and business deals while to keep abreast with the most up-to-date gold industry insights.

Thus, Penang Signature Gold Fair (PSG) offers a one-in-a-million opportunity for trade buyers to invest in international-grade gold jewellery with the introduction of ‘Hosted Buyers Program’. Trade buyers who join the program are entitled to enjoy the privileges of complimentary 4-Stars hotel stay, face-to-face appointments with gold jewellery manufacturers and also having the special access to gold factory visit in order to know more about the production line of gold jewellery in Malaysia.

PSG 2018 Highlighted Events
In PSG Glamorous Opening Ceremony with Gold Jewellery Fashion Show, the event is inaugurated by flaunting the best gold jewellery products. This grandiose opening ceremony of PSG will be taking place on the 10th August at 11.30am. This Fashion Show is the only fashion show that highlighting gold jewellery which will be tailored to the needs of trade buyers, who will have the liberty of being the audience members. Advertising the most commendable pieces of gold jewellery, traders will be able to experience the live showcase of jewellery and be fully immersed in the beauty of gold jewellery.

In addition, we are gathering worldwide presidents of respective Goldsmith Associations and representative including Dubai, India, Nepal, Cambodia, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, etc to participate in PSG International Gold Summit, with each individual president discussing and sharing the gold jewellery import and export policy of each countries, thus Malaysia gold jewellery manufactures will have depth industry knowledge about the global gold market.

In conjunction with that, a Prestigious Thousand Person Feast invitation is also expanding to trade buyers across the world in order to arrange productive face-to-face appointment between International gold traders with Malaysia gold manufactures to explore exponential investment opportunities and unlimited business networking. With this, we are confident that trade buyers will not be disappointed with the set hospitality arrangement.

Gold trade buyers are now able to have a specific yet wider range of gold sourcing based on different karats or millesimal fineness of gold such as 22K, 21K, 18K and etc. Different categories of jewellery like bracelets, bangles, brooches, necklace, rings, earrings, gold coins and gold bars, tools and machinery as well as those which are related to gold accessories will be presented.

From elegant, classic designs, to unique and one-of-a-kind models of gold jewellery collections, PSG provides huge varieties of exquisite and delicate Malaysian made jewellery collections at one point, and thus propels the local jewellery industry to the international level eventually!

For enquiries, kindly logon or contact the Organizer, Elite Expo Sdn Bhd through (Email: [email protected]) or (Tel: 603 5891 1157). See you at PSG 2018!

For further inquiries, kindly contact the Organizer at:
Mr Koo Siong Ann
Elite Expo Sdn Bhd
Senior PR & Communications Executive
T: 603 5891 1157 ext. 119
E: [email protected]

Coming Soon

马来西亚国际黄金展 (PSG) – A Project by MIJF

槟城,马来西亚:打金业在马来西亚已拥有超过百年历史,随着黄金行业不断地增长,马来西亚已被认为 是一个在全球拥有稳定良好的黄金手艺和黄金制造国家。主办单位 – 辉煌展览有限公司将通过 2018 马来 西亚国际黄金展(PSG)把世界各地的黄金制造商及买家们聚集一堂。马来西亚国际黄金展(PSG)是马 来西亚国际珠宝展(MIJF)的一个项目,将于 2018 年 8 月 10 日至 12 日,在槟城海峡港口会展中心 (Straits Quay Convention Centre)盛大举行。

今年,主办单位 – 辉煌展览有限公司非常荣幸地再次获得威省金银饰品商业公会的鼎力支持及合力协办全 东南亚唯一黄金饰品贸易展。此展览将在最多金商业者云集的黄金商圈 – 槟城盛大举办。早在一个多世纪 以前槟城汇集了许多大马及亚洲经验丰富的打金手艺人才和金饰品铸造工厂。因此,主办单位相信此黄金 展将能够提供一个商业平台给业界的贸易商家,同时把黄金行业发扬光大。

2018 马来西亚国际黄金展(PSG)的宗旨是要让马来西亚成为最具公信力的黄金贸易商圈,同时也一并 推广本地黄金工艺业。相较于别国,大马的实惠金价更获得买家们的青睐,原因于每克黄金的劳动费低于 其他国家,特别是中国。于是,我国雄心勃勃地希望能成为世界主要的黄金首饰供应商之一。

此外, 主办单位提供“海外黄金商业买家招揽计划”,以协助买家们开拓无限黄金商机。此计划提供一个 有效及绝佳的贸易平台,让来自世界各地的黄金买家们进行商业交流以及商讨合作机会。参与此计划的黄 金商业买家们不但可享有免费 4 星级的酒店住宿,免费商业配对服务,同时也能够与黄金首饰制造商会面 以建立业务联盟。

PSG 黄金焦点
PSG 马来西亚国际黄金展将由金光闪闪的黄金首饰走秀掀开序幕,开幕典礼将于 8 月 10 日的上午 11 时 30 分举行。在场的黄金商家们将有机会亲眼近距离地观赏这现场的黄金首饰走秀,目睹黄金饰品气势非凡 的风采。另外,来自世界各地的金商协会主席与代表包括杜拜、印度、尼泊尔、柬埔寨、中国、新加坡、 越南、泰国、马来西亚等将齐聚于首届的 PSG 国际黄金高峰会一同研讨黄金课题,如分享各国的黄金进 出口政策。黄金制造商们也能藉此机会对黄金市场有更深入的了解。

除此之外,PSG 国际黄金展与威省金银饰品商业公会也将联办一场‘满城尽带黄金展,金光熠熠千人宴’, 邀请各地的黄金商业买家及本地黄金制造商们出席,让业者们有个碰面及交流的机会。对此,主办单位表 示绝对不会让黄金商业界的买家们失望!透过纯金展示平台,各大参展将为买家们展列不同级别的黄金如 22K,21K,18K 以及先进的铸金技术与机械等等!精致首饰种类更分别为手链、手镯、胸针、项链、戒指、 耳环、金币、金条;任君精细挑选。由大马制作的的黄金珠宝系列,从优雅、经典、独特到现代摩登等一 系列的黄金珠宝必能够将本地黄金行业推向更高的国际水平。

欲查询,请登入 或通过电邮 [email protected] 或电话 603 5891 1157 联络主办单位 – 辉煌展览有限公司 Elite Expo Sdn Bhd。

2018 年马来西亚国际黄金展(PSG),不见不散!

Mr Koo Siong Ann
辉煌展览有限公司 Elite Expo Sdn Bhd
(电话)603 5891 1157 ext. 119
(电邮)[email protected]